At any one time 35% of the population will suffer an attack of acute neck pain. Most are not serious and can be treated with chiropractic care.



Neck Pain

Computer Pain pic Neck pain can have a significant effect on the quality of your life and your ability to get on with daily activities. Neck pain is a common cause of discomfort and disability. It is estimated that more than one-fifth of Canadians may be experiencing neck pain at any time. The chiropractic treatment of neck pain focuses on reducing your pain, restoring the movement in your neck and improving its strength and function.

The treatment of neck pain by chiropractic is guided by a thorough understanding of the research about different types of treatments, which combinations of treatments are beneficial and which should be avoided.

What To Expect

A physical examination and an assessment will be conducted to diagnose the cause of your pain. At that point a personalized treatment plan will then be developed that is specific to you.

The following is a list of possible treatment recommendations, of course these are all individual and each person will receive specific treatments plans depending on their individual needs.

Clinic and Home-Based Exercise
Pulsed Electromagnetic Therapy